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On the Death of George Floyd, Our Brother

Our brother, George Floyd, has died at the hands of the police while onlookers and Mr. Floyd himself, begged for his life. In the wake of his murder protests have rightly formed in cities across our nation, because the killing has to stop. The racism woven through all major systems of our society, must change. The magnitude of necessary change requires action from all of us, which the prophet Micah summarized as: doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly before our God. Each of us can and must speak out and do all that we can. Not only must we intervene during and after this crisis, through our protest, but we must put our collective shoulders to the wheel to build new systems that are equitable and humane, while we dismantle the old systems that continue to produce injustice, including police brutality that snuffed out the life of our brother, George Floyd. There is no task for the church that is more important at this time, more central to the Gospel, than to repent of systemic racism and all the other evil isms and phobias that have riddled our institutions, and collectively choose to do the hard work of systems justice, to love mercy, and as communities of faith, to walk humbly with our God.

1 Kommentar

Unknown member
07. Juni 2020

In preparing my sermon for this morning, I was mulling over recent events in light of Genesis 1:26-27, in which God creates humanity in the divine image. It hit me very strongly that when we wantonly kill another human being, we are killing a little bit of God at the same time—no exceptions.

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